Friday, December 10, 2010

#reverb10 - December 10th

#reverb10 Prompt - Wisdom

Wisdom. What was the wisest decision you made this year, and how did it play out?

Wisest decision? I don't make a lot of big decisions over the course of any particular year that would impact me in a large way. In small ways, though, I think that choosing to meet people in person that I only knew from online is probably my wisest decision (or series of decisions) of the year.

I've met three people (at least!) in person this year who are fantastic. This wouldn't have happened if I'd not taken steps to contact and engage with them. It's always a risk to add people to my collection. I collect people, primarily strange or eccentric, but I normally don't go out of my way to do so. This time I did, and it was worth it.

Note to self for next year: Remember to take the emotional risk and engage with others, especially new and interesting strangers.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


I forgot to update: I hit 50k for Nanowrimo on November 30th.

I've still got a little under half of the book to write. I'll keep ya'll posted. :)

Need a better nickname for my main character because she... never fully set into the one I had for her originally and it bothers me every time someone uses it for her. So. It has to change.

Any suggestions on good nicknames that someone might get while part of a pseudo-military organization? :)